Once you reach Slessor Gardens,

Find yourself a bench, get settled, and enjoy the first artist interview.



Is a Ghanaian artist and illustrator honing her craft here in Dundee. Join us for a talk on the nature of belonging, making home within yourself, and finding the safety to create art in an uncertain landscape.


Take your time along the cycle path.

Enjoy the sighing and clattering of the trains as they pass. And when you get to the Magdalene green, find a bench, and enjoy our second interview.



Maryam Zahra Jabir is an Iraqi-Celtic artist and storyteller currently splitting her time between Edinburgh and Dundee. Join Merm, her lovely dog Sam and I for a discussion on mixed race identities, complex heritages, and the winding path of a
career within the arts.


Our walk is almost through. Make your way to the Tay front, and find somewhere to settle.


The Full Picture.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed your walk, seen the city anew, and found as much solace in this project as I did.

On the main page you can find my sketchbook, project summary, and transcripts, as well as a tailored playlist.

I’d like to extend a special thanks to Creative Dundee and all the rest of Team Wholesome, whose support and advice has helped to make this project a success.

Make sure you check out their work - and have a scroll through #TFPDundee on twitter.

Much Love,