A project with Creative Dundee.

What is The Full Picture?

The Full Picture consists of three primary parts; two artist interviews, and one film. These are designed to be viewed at certain rest points on a meandering walking route through the center of Dundee, visiting some of my favourite spots in the city - inviting you to consider the psycho-geography of Dundee, and what it means to you.

The tagline used for the project, Stand Up, serves double duty in this manner; a call to action in terms of recognizing the struggle artists of colour face while finding their way, but equally, it serves as an invitation to explore the city.


Your route awaits.


  1. Dundee University Campus Center

  2. The Geddes Quadrangle

  3. City Square and Caird Hall

  4. Slessor Gardens - WAYPOINT ONE.

  5. The graffiti wall along the cycle path


  7. The benches on the Tay front. This is your final stop.

The route should take approximately fifty minutes to walk - but this is by no means exhaustive.

Dundee is yours; linger, explore, and wander as you see fit. You could even stop for chips and a coffee along the way.

Just in case you don’t have any particular music of your own to listen to while you walk - here’s what I listened to while I made the project.

Above you can find photographs of my sketchbook, and below I have included a project summary as well as a transcript of the spoken word from the final film. Make sure you don’t have a look till you’ve seen it yourself!

The Twitter Campaign

As part of the project, I posted regular teasers to twitter using the hashtag StandUp. As part of this, I made some street art along the cycle path beside the railway - transient and short lived in nature, but a great way to generate some attention. Street art is an integral part of our city’s shifting landscape and our ownership of it, and I wanted to recognize that.

Now, if you’re ready…

Get your socks and sandies on, and let’s get started.